Friday, October 17, 2008

Restaurant Maven Cooks Up A Blog

Hi, my name is Teresa. My friends call me T, Tizzy, Leaning Tower of Teresa and all sorts of other things.... and this is my blog.

See, at work I'm known as the Restaurant Maven. Apparently, my friends at work either make dinner for themselves every night, are too broke to go out to eat or are just plain lame. And judging from the dreadful company value proposition meeting I just got out of, I would say option number three is probably the realistic choice.

So I love going out to dinner in this wonderful city of Chicago and I try to fancy a new restaurant several times a month. But every time I say a place that I went for dinner, my friends look at me like I'm naming countries they've never heard of.

"What? Where's that?" is usually what follows or, "Huh? Never heard of it" or "Do they speak English there?"

So they egged me on for months until I finally decided that I would heed their advice and start this blog. The deal is that each time I go to a new restaurant for breakfast, lunch or dinner, I'm going to follow it up with a post that includes the address, what I ate, what whomever was with me ate, how the food and atmosphere were and my overall impression and recommendation.

I've wanted to volunteer at a children's hospital to read books to sick kids; I've wanted to work Tuesday nights at a Soup Kitchen handing out food; I've wanted to learn how to play the flute and perform at the Irish bar's open mic down the street so all the world could rejoice in my flute music. I've done none of those, so this blog is my way of giving back.

So next time you're curled up in a ball lying on the bathroom floor with your throat burning from the nonstop vomiting that was induced by the food poisoning you picked up at the new sushi restaurant in Lincoln Square you thought you would try, think of me.

Think the Restaurant Maven, and how I would've never recommended that dump in the first place.

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